
Director player error property not found
Director player error property not found

#Director player error property not found update

Warning: you CANNOT change update priority in scheduled function 1507 1503Ĭc.Scheduler.pauseTarget():target should be non-null 1504Ĭc.Scheduler.resumeTarget():target should be non-null 1505Ĭc.Scheduler.isTargetPaused():target should be non-null 1506 1502Ĭc.scheduler.scheduleCallbackForTarget(): target should be non-null. Updating interval from:%s to %s 1501Ĭc.scheduler.scheduleCallbackForTarget(): callback_fn should be non-null. 1406Ĭc.pool is being removed from v2.0, you are getting cc.js.Pool instead 1408ĬCSheduler#scheduleCallback. The '%s' will be removed in v2.0, please use '%s' instead. 1404Ĭc.spriteFrameCache is removed, please use cc.loader to load and cache sprite frames of atlas format. Sorry, cc.audioEngine.willPlayMusic is removed. The 'visible' property of %s is deprecated, use 'enabled' instead please. The first argument should be the destination object 1402 '%s' is deprecated, please use '%s' instead. %s is not in the model pool and cannot be destroyed by destroyModel. Setting orientation is not supported yet. 1220įailed to set shading scale, pipelineSceneData is invalid. Note that non-transparent materials with no lighting will not be rendered, such as builtin-unlit. 1219ĭeferred render pipeline initialized. 1215ĭnSceneImmediate: scene is not valid 1217ĭirector._initOnEngineInitialized: renderer root initialization failed 1218įorward render pipeline initialized. LoadScene: Can not load the scene '%s' because it was not in the build settings before playing. LoadScene: Failed to load scene '%s' because '%s' is already loading 1214 LoadScene: Unknown name type to load: '%s' 1213 LoadScene: The scene index to load (%s) is out of range. LoadScene: Failed to load scene '%s' because '%s' is already being loaded. LoadScene: Unknown name type to load: '%s' 1208 Config file: %s 1101Ĭocos2d: Director: Error in gettimeofday 1201Ĭocos2d: Director: unrecognized projection 1202Ĭocos2d: Director: unrecognized projection 1203Ĭocos2d: Director: Error in gettimeofday 1204 1030Ĭc.Animate.initWithAnimation(): animation must be non-NULL 1100Įxpected 'data' dict, but not found. It must at least have one control point 1025Ĭc.Sequence.initWithTwoActions(): arguments must all be non nil 1026Ĭc.RepeatForever.initWithAction(): action must be non null 1027Ĭc.Spawn.initWithTwoActions(): arguments must all be non null 1028Ĭc.ReverseTime.initWithAction(): action must be non null 1029Ĭc.ReverseTime.initWithAction(): the action was already passed in. 1021Ĭc.Speed.initWithAction(): action must be non nil 1022Ĭc.Follow.initWithAction(): followedNode must be non nil 1023Ĭc.ActionEase.initWithAction(): action must be non nil 1024 1020įailed to construct, Spawn construction needs two or more actions. 1018įailed to construct, Sequence construction needs two or more actions. 1017Ĭc.GridAction.getGrid(): it should be overridden in subclass. Parameters should not be ending with null in Javascript 1016Ĭc.RotateTo.reverse(): it should be overridden in subclass. 1012Ĭc.ActionInterval.getAmplitudeRate(): it should be overridden in subclass. 1011Ĭc.tAmplitudeRate(): it should be overridden in subclass. 1010Ĭc.IntervalAction: reverse not implemented. 1000Ĭc.ActionManager.addAction(): action must be non-null 1001Ĭocos2d: removeAction: Target not found 1002Ĭc.ActionManager.removeActionByTag(): an invalid tag 1003Ĭc.ActionManager.removeActionByTag(): target must be non-null 1004Ĭc.ActionManager.getActionByTag(): an invalid tag 1005Ĭocos2d : getActionByTag(tag = %s): Action not found 1006Ĭocos2d: FiniteTimeAction#reverse: Implement me 1009Ĭc.EaseElastic.reverse(): it should be overridden in subclass. You should specify a valid DOM canvas element.

Director player error property not found