
North arcot south arcot vadivelu dialogue
North arcot south arcot vadivelu dialogue

The hills are principally granite and syenite, with little vegetation, but they abound in min erals, especially copper and iron ores. The western elevated platform is comparatively cool, being 2,000f t. The country is flat and uninteresting in the east and south, but the west, along the foot of the eastern Ghats, as well as all the country northwards from Trivellam to Tripali and the Karkambadi Pass, is moun tainous. The area of North Arcot is 4,648 sq.m., and the population in 1931 was 2,266,989. The district of North Arcot is bounded on the north by the district of Chittore on the east by the district of Chingleput on the south by the districts of South Arcot and Salem and on the west by the Mysore territory. The town of Arcot, together with the whole of the territory of the Carnatic, passed into the hands of the British in 1801. It was also taken by Hyder Ali when he ravaged the Carnatic in 1780, and held by him for some time. Arcot was afterwards captured by the French but in 1760 was retaken after the battle of Wandiwash. Chanda Sahib was obliged to detach a large force of 10,000 men to recapture the city, and the pressure on the English garrison at Trichinopoly was removed. In order to divert the attention of Chanda Sahib from the siege of Trichinopoly, Clive attacked Arcot-which was garrisoned by a force of I,1 oo-with a force of only 200 Europeans and 30o natives, and took the fortress without a struggle. In the mid dle of the 18th century, during the war between the rival claim ants to the throne of the Carnatic, Mohammed Ali and Chanda Sahib, the English supported the claims of the former and the French those of the latter. The most famous episode in its history is the capture and defence of Arcot by Clive. It is a station on the line of rail way from Madras to Beypur. Prominent in the history of the Brit ish conquest, it has now lost its manufactures and trade and pre serves only a few mosques, tombs and ruined fortifications as traces of its former grandeur. Arcot city is the principal town in the district of North Arcot. ARCOT, the name of a city and two districts of British India in the presidency of Madras.

North arcot south arcot vadivelu dialogue